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CFC 2000 Compact Flame Controller


This system is designed for gas and oil-fired burners of any size, for the continuous and selective burner monitoring. Different sensors permit the detection of different radiation frequency bands within the radiation spectrum, thus permitting widespread applications, ranging from minor auxiliary and supplementary burners to large industrial burners of any output, up to radiant-surface burners for various applications.
Compared to the conventional flame monitoring, the CFC 2000 requires no additional controller or evaluation unit, a plug-in frame for the control unit and special cable connections are not necessary, which means, that additional material and mounting costs are avoided.
First dual channel compact flame controller for use on dual fuel burners, which will be adjustable completely by software. All adjustments could be stored in separate files on a computer and restored to the compact flame controller.
The programming of the compact flame controller will done with a PC/Laptop by a bidirectional data communication over a special RS232/IRDA Interface cable, which is available from BFI Automation. An additional frequency analysis for better discrimination on multi burner systems is included.
The new CFC 2000 includes an intelligent failure mode, which behaviour can be selected volatile or non-volatile. Furthermore, all possible failures will be stored in a special memory and indicated with the software.
Flame intensity output depending on switch of level like normal flame monitoring systems or free programmable for control purposes.






The CFC 2000 offers first time the opportunity to use the merits of a compact system together with the functionality of a standard system combined with interesting innovations also on multi fuel
burners without any restrictions.
For sure safety and availability is our first target. The compact flame controller meets the safety standards according to TRD 411-414, TRD 604 acc. to EN 230 and EN 298, is TÜV-tested  and DIN-CERTCO and DIN-DVGW approved, CE.
Optional you can get our reliable accessories like Ex-housing, fibre optic probes, tropical isolation, cooling housing as well as an internal heating.


 Connection to Laptop








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