An Early Fire Detection Systems - ADICOS
ADICOS is a unique European system for smoldering fire detection. It detects various gaseous components, which are already released during the initial stages of fire, where no open flames or visible smoke is yet present. This system has been operating reliably in many facilities across Europe. (see References). Due to its special construction, the ADICOS fire gas sensors are immune against disturbances like steam, fog or dust, which cause smoke detectors to give false alarms.
- Fire detection already in the pyrolysis stage
- High sensitivity
- Immunity against dust, dirt, humidity and strong air current
- Elimination of disturbance variables
- Suppression of false alarms
- Easy installation in high-risk operations - M-bus system
- Control, parameter setting and control functionality of the PC detectors
- An option to link with the existing fire alarm or use as an autonomous system
- On-line view of the operation status on monitors
- An ongoing storage of data collected from the last year for post-analysis of possible causes of fires
The type and the number of detectors depend on the specific parameters of the operation. The most crucial are the monitored media characteristics. Different types of detectors are used in case of coal conveyor guarding and different for grain silos or wood industry. The detectors` parameters can be adjusted in a wide range – the sensors` threshold for individual gases is set as to eliminate the impact of background and thus avoid false alarms.
Schéma zapojenia systému ADICOS
ADICOS snímač typ L3